By Bernard Bujold -
My daughter asked me on U.S. Election Day, November 3, 2020, why I admired and loved Donald Trump... 
Basically, my answer was this: "Donald reminds me of my time with Brian Mulroney in 1984 in Ottawa, and my time with Pierre Péladeau of Quebecor in 1991. 
I had the opportunity to serve in the Canadian Prime Minister's Office and it was the same working dynamic as the U.S. President's Office. All political offices are similar! 
Since 2016, I have often recognized in the behaviours of Donald Trump's team the same behaviours I experienced with the Mulroney team. For me, it was like a return to a beautiful time in my life! Moreover, the current crisis in Washington reminds me of the Meech Lake failure in Canada in June 1990. 
In terms of personality, Brian and Donald, friends in life, are very different. Brian is shyer and less aggressive than Donald who reminds me of another leader with whom I worked and knew intimately, Pierre Péladeau Sr. 
I don't know Donald, except for observing him a lot from a distance and meeting him briefly once, but I find in his words, gestures, ideas, coquetry, and willingness to win, the same behaviors that Péladeau had. In fact, Pierre Péladeau's entire line of thought was oriented around his famous theme: "PLAY TO WIN".
Another similarity between Péladeau and Trump is the "hatred" of the elite people towards them. Pierre Péladeau was adored by the common people but hated and despised by the elite, especially the academics. I remember a petition by UQAM professors who wanted to have the name "Péladeau" removed from the university's auditorium for which Quebecor had donated a million dollars. The professors said it was shameful that UQAM was identified with the name of Pierre Péladeau... The elite does not like the kind of characters like Péladeau and Trump probably because they are not afraid to shake up traditions, which are the raison d'être of the elite. 
I've loved watching Donald Trump since 2016, and it's not over yet! Even if he lose the election in 2020, I will continue to admire and observe him because he is in line with my personal convictions, and I am always true to my convictions, no matter what the opinion of the neighbor(s).
But life is thus made up of departures and rebirths, and no more Donald Trump than others is eternal. Everything ends up passing, each of us included, and we all become "anecdotes" for campfires nights! 
As far as Donald is concerned, he has, of course, no intention of retiring to a desert island and I would even say that he has several options, one of which is to run again in 2024, if he loses...
Let's not be under any illusion: a presidency of Joe Biden would be far from easy and if the United States is polarized as a people, the Democratic Party is equally polarized in two groups, which could paralyze a Biden presidency. 
It is also possible that Donald would return to his private enterprises of the Trump empire and regain the real power of his actions because politics is where power is illusory, whereas in business, the power of achievement is real and belongs to the leader.
When I was with Brian, I had noticed that the journalists were continually disagreeing and they were always trying to prove false every word or intention of Brian and his government, which made the daily life comparable to a trench warfare where the objective is the continuous defensive. Many observers attribute the failure of Meech Lake to the central role played by the media in the negotiations.
When I joined Pierre Péladeau, I immediately noticed the opposite from politics and journalists never questioned Péladeau's statements about Quebecor. Probably because finance is difficult to interpret and is a private matter, whereas in politics, the universe belongs to everyone and we can all be experts because it is ultimately about opinions. For this reason, it is difficult not to become a "stage manager" when it comes to politics and politicians, which is not the case in business. 
In conclusion, Donald Trump and Pierre Péladeau finally have something else in common and that is their helicopter! 
I loved to go around with Péladeau in his flying bird and seeing Trump going around in MARINE ONE reminded me of the trips that I took with Pierre Péladeau in my heyday... 
Now that I think about it! Should Donald leave the White House, I could invite him to come to the cottage next summer... He would certainly love the company of Ulysses, and we could make a beautiful fire in the fireplace! 

To be continued!



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