RENÉ LÉVESQUE AND HIS MEMORY IN 2017... By Bernard Bujold- If there is a Quebec hero, it is most certainly René Lévesque (1922-1987). René had a very journalistic vision of life... He was deeply democratic and objective in his thoughts, and even too much, and he always analyzed a situation by looking at the facts. René Lévesque also had the character of the journalists of his time because he liked alcohol, women and gambling... How to remember in 2017 of this character, a journalist who become the most outstanding politician in Quebec? The project to make a museum of his house birthplace in New Carlisle dates from 1988 when I proposed to his then owner (Georgette Bujold) to sell it to a foundation that René's friends would set up, who Corinne Lévesque was with me among the interested people. I had also tried to convince Pierre Péladeau to preside over the project, but he found the city of New Carlisle too far from Montreal and he proposed inste...