EXHIBITION WORLD PRESS PHOTO 2017 - By Bernard Bujold - The 2017 edition of WORLD PRESS PHOTO, the 12th edition, presented in Montréal is very well done and one can appreciate several very exceptional photographs. I personally loved two photographers: Burhan Özbilici, author of the famous photo of the shooter in Turkey who had murdered the Russian ambassador at the inauguration of an art exhibition; and Alberta Canadian photographer Amber Bracken, whose photographs of his excellent story on the mobilization of a Sioux reserve in US North Dakota. Photographer Özbilici explained at the inauguration how he felt during the shooting and despite a deep fear, he did not panic and he had the reflex to do his work of press photographer and capture tragic images of the event. A lighter moment of the inauguration at the Montreal exhibition was to see the two winners photographers, Burhan Özbilici and Amber Bracken, discussing the techniques of photography... ...