VALÉRIE PLANTE AND THE END OF THE SMILE - By Bernard Bujold - The new mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, is still smiling, but the citizens of Montreal are less so, while the new mayor has just broken her main election promise not to raise taxes beyond inflation. The increases for the next year exceed 3.3%, and even more, depending on the boroughs! No politician is perfect and if Denis Coderre was a great "spendthrift", Valerie Plante is a great "tightfisted"... In the last municipal election, one of the many slogans, including mine, was: "ABC- Anybody but Coderre! " We got rid of Coderre but we did not really have a choice on who would take the place because there was only one offer! Personally, I had grasped the direction of the vote but by default because, a deep admirer of Donald Trump like me would never have supported a candidate of left as Plante. But I and the other voters, we did not want Coderre. It was Anybody but Coderre. We must ...