BYE BYE 2019... By Bernard Bujold - Like every year, many Quebecers watch the year-end shows on the French Radio-Canada! Personally, I found many segments of Bye Bye 2019 excellent, such as those on Céline Dion; les caisses populaires Desjardins; Caroline Néron; and Justin's Black face. I found the segment on milk insignificant... Earlier in the evening, I loved very much Jean-René Dufort's show. But the show that moved me the most was the 9:30 p.m. news report about the Great Dead Person of 2019! Obviously there are always missing names on the list but the message is very clear! The people in our lives, like the years, are just passing by... SEE REPORT ON THE DEAD PERSONS OF 2019 SEE SHOW BYE BYE 2019 SEE JEAN RENÉ DUFORT SHOW