THE UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA AND THE MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS- By Bernard Bujold - There is a strong similarity between the current situation at the University of Ottawa and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Indeed, in both cases, the heads of the two institutions, Jacques Frémont in Ottawa and Michel de la Chenelière in Montreal, made a decision that seriously undermined their respective institutions. In the case of the MBAM, the consequences are well known and the two main players, de la Chenelière and Nathalie Bondil, lost their positions and the Museum lost the reputation for excellence it had around the world. In the case of Ottawa, my projection is that Rector Frémont will have to leave his position because of the current and worsening crisis; the young professor Verushka Lieutenant-Duval will have to change universities to teach; and the reputation of the University of Ottawa will be seriously tarnished around the world. If there is one conclusion, it is that o...