ELECTIONS 2017 FOR MONTREAL MAYOR - PROJECTIONS By Bernard Bujold - I love politics and I like to project in advance the results of the candidate I envision winning. I always start from my instinct using the momentum of the campaign to evaluate the winner. I had projected Donald Trump's 2016 victory at 300 votes and he had 306; I projected in 2015 a victory by Justin Trudeau with 180 seats and he had 184; and previously in 2014, I had also projected the victory of Philippe Couillard at 70 deputies and he had 70 but, I am more discreet about him, because I did not vote for him... As of October 25, 2017, I therefore project 45 elected on 65 for Valérie Plante, an absolute majority of 2/3 for the next mayor of Montreal! How much will Denis Coderre will have elected? Less than 20 if we take into account the 4 or 5 elected to be independent. Advance voting takes place on Sunday, October 29, and the official vote on Sunday, November 5. ...