THE SEX STORM OF OCTOBER 2017... (continuation 1)

THE SEX STORM OCTOBER 2017 (continuation 1)
By Bernard Bujold -
Veteran comedian Yvon Deschamps does not see the end of the sexual storm in Quebec:
"... it will never stop, that! Tomorrow, it'll be 1000, after 5000 complaints ..."
The accusations of sexual crimes continue to accumulate and, indeed, we can wonder if the police and judicial systems in Quebec will be able to satisfy the situation. A complaint of any kind can sometimes take a few years to be officially decided before the courts; imagine if there are thousands of complaints from all over Quebec... It will take a Commission of Inquiry like the Commission Gomery or Charbonneau!
Regarding JUST FOR LAUGHS, many observers say that the group is a company that does not depend on Gilbert Rozon but rather on comedians. This is true but with one big exception: the legal owner of Just for Laughs is Gilbert. And Gilbert does not want to give up for free his business and he is asking about $ 70 million to abandon it!
The only solution, in my opinion: forget Just to laughs and start from scratch. When the World Trade Center was attacked, it was put to the ground and rebuilt from the ground alone.
To be continued...
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