By Bernard Bujold -
The victory of Valérie Plante as Montreal mayor is historic and if there is a first conclusion it is that when the major medias support a candidate, just choose the opponent if you want to be on the side of the winning candidate...
This is the strategy for my political projections!
It was the case with Justin Trudeau in 2015; later with Donald Trump in 2016; and now with Valérie Plante who was rejected by the three major newspapers in Montreal!
But the second thought about Valérie Plante's victory is that, in life, everything rests on the waves that destiny offers us.
It is obvious that Valérie has just realized the dream of her life and that her lucky wave will transport her to new lands full of promise. It will be up to her now to develop her new land! Strangely enough, during the night after Valérie's victory, I did not dream about politics, but rather to one of my former lovers, an artist who was in my life when I was younger.
In my dream, we were together again and she told me what had been the trip on her waves of life and I told her mine. Unfortunately, at the time of our departure at sea many years ago, we did not took the same ship to leave and our common history, which could have been wealth and happiness, was only a dream, remained at the port...
The relationship between my dream and the victory of Valérie Plante?
As Shakespeare wrote in the play Julius Caesar: "There is a wave on the ocean of life, which if taken at the right moment at the shore will lead the ship to new lands full of hope and of promise, but if it is missed then it will be failure and misery..."
Congratulations Valérie Plante and have a good trip!
Bravo Bernard. Je suis impressionné par ta clairvoyance et je m'incline.