By Bernard Bujold -
I have always liked reading the newspapers and since the early 1980s, I have emotionally attached myself to a few one, in particular, The Wall Street Journal.
I read The WSJ daily with a passion and pleasure that is always renewed.
I agree with one point in the current debate on the survival of Quebec dailies: when you love a newspaper, you are willing to pay to read it. Guy Crevier also liked the WSJ and subscribed to it, but he was convinced that readers of La Presse would not accept to pay for a subscription as we gladly did for the WSJ. I believe that his mistake was there and that this lack of confidence in his original product (paper edition) caused the crisis we are currently experiencing in the former dailies of Power Corporation...
Unfortunately, it is a little late to correct the error because the difficulties have become financially impossible to correct, in my opinion....
It will be necessary to see what happens next, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm reassured to be able to read my favourite newspaper (WSJ) for some time to come even if it costs me a few dollars a month. Note that I also like to read Le Devoir, a paper subscription that is paid for and delivered every morning to the door! I was also a faithful reader of La Presse, during the heyday of its paper edition... Have a good reading!
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